
Hi There!

My name is Adam. Just a little about myself: I’m a Christian, a husband, a father of 4, a do-it-yourselfer, and my hobby is woodworking. I’ve spent years working with my hands (by trade and by hobby).

I've enjoyed learning and doing woodworking, and always from a garage workshop. When I started, I was in a single-car garage, and I've since upgraded to a 2-car garage work shop, here's a shot:

Wood Shop Essentials - My Shop

I started my online business with my website, ThePowerToolWebsite.com. That is my blog where I write about everything I've learned (and am still learning) with woodworking.

I expanded into providing shop project plans, for things like table saw sleds, joinery jigs, and more. I call that Wood Shop Essentials.

I found that my customers love my project plans, my attention to detail, and my clear and easy to follow instructions within my plans, so I kept adding more.

Now I run a membership version of it, located at WoodShopEssentials.club. I also started this online store, WoodShopEssentials.com.

I've been doing this now for several years and I plan on continuing to grow all 3 websites as I continue learning and doing more woodworking projects, and creating more plans.

 I hope you can find helpful projects and plans here at Wood Shop Essentials. If you have any questions or suggestions, don't be afraid to contact me! (I read ALL of my messages)